Samstag, 30. August 2014

[untitled] a space for monsters, ghosts and animals

[untitled] a space for monsters, ghosts and animals
performative installation - audio tour
03.09.2014 // 16:30 - 17:30, 20:00 - 21:00 
04.09.2014 // 16:30 - 17:30
Start: Neues Augusteum, University Leipzig, Info-Desk
- every 5 minutes a tour for 2 conference participants starts
Life beyond the economic growth premise? Which forms of subjectivity are and will be linked to this? Which ways of thinking, which practices, which conceptions of man, which ways of coexistence? Between audiotour and performative installation friendly fire explores individual and collective transformations in all their visionary, dreamy, scary, eerie, threatening, monstrous, uncanny or funny facets. Take a walk with us!
Leben jenseits des Wachstums-Dispositivs? Welche Formen der Subjektivität sind damit verbunden und welche werden es sein - welches Denken, welche Praktiken, welche Menschenbilder, welches Miteinander? Zwischen Audiotour und installativer Performance erkunden friendly fire die unterschiedlichen Seiten dieser individuellen und kollektiven Transformationen: die visionären und träumerischen, ebenso wie die angstbesetzten und gespenstischen, die bedrohlichen, die monströsen und die unheimlich lustigen. Take a walk with us!

Team: Melanie Albrecht, Josephine Bock, Robert Faber, Martin Hinz, Rebecca Löffler, Max Müller, Raymond Romanos, Diana Röntsch, Alexandra Stoll, Eva Vinke, Michael Wehren, Helena Wölfl. With special contributions on the concept of eco-anarchism by Frank Gorissen (Militia).

Thanks to: Radio Blau, Jan Deck, Frank Gorissen, Christin Schmidt, Fabian Stiepert, Marcus Steinweg
In cooperation with the Degrowth-Conference Leipzig 2014 and Radio Blau.

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